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To avoid the duplicate execution of Eclipse project builder, you can try the following solutions:

  1. Disable auto-build: In Eclipse, go to Project menu -> Build Automatically, and uncheck the option.

  2. Clean the project: In Eclipse, go to Project menu -> Clean, and select both the project and option to clean all projects. This will remove any build artifacts and dependencies.

  3. Check for duplicate build triggers: In Eclipse, go to Run menu -> External Tools -> External Tools Configurations, and check the triggers for the build. If there are multiple triggers, remove the duplicates.

  4. Check for potential conflicts with other plugins: Some plugins may interfere with the Eclipse project builder. Disable any plugins that may cause conflicts.

  5. Check for errors or warnings in the project: Errors or warnings in the project can cause the project builder to run multiple times. Fix the errors and warnings to prevent the duplicate execution of the project builder.