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To set up automated triggering of Jenkins pipeline in response to code changes in AWS CodeCommit repository, you can follow the below steps:

  1. Log in to your Jenkins server and install the AWS CodeCommit plugin.

  2. Create a new Pipeline project in Jenkins and configure it to use the CodeCommit SCM.

  3. In the Jenkins pipeline script, specify that the trigger should be initiated when a CodeCommit event happens by adding the following code snippet at the beginning of the script:

pipeline {
    agent any
    triggers {
  1. Configure the webhook in your CodeCommit repository by going to the repository settings in AWS Console, and adding a new webhook that points to your Jenkins server URL.

  2. Test the webhook by pushing some code changes to your CodeCommit repository and verifying whether the Jenkins pipeline is triggered automatically.

By following these steps, you can set up a continuous integration and delivery pipeline that automatically builds and deploys code in response to changes in your AWS CodeCommit repository.