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In the Bot Framework Composer, the validation process for AdaptiveCards includes the following steps:

  1. When a bot composer user adds an AdaptiveCard to a dialog in the designer, the composer will perform an initial validation of the card's JSON structure to identify any syntactical errors.

  2. Once the JSON structure of the AdaptiveCard is validated, the composer will then validate whether the card's properties and values are correct based on the schema defined by the AdaptiveCards framework.

  3. The composer will then validate whether the AdaptiveCard is compatible with the channels and devices targeted by the bot. For example, some channels may only support a subset of AdaptiveCard features, and the composer will check whether the card being used is supported by the target channel.

  4. Finally, the composer will validate whether the AdaptiveCard is accessible to users with disabilities. This includes checking the card's contrast ratio, ensuring that it can be navigated using a keyboard, and verifying that it is compatible with assistive technologies like screen readers.

If any errors or issues are found during the validation process, the composer will display an error message to the user and prompt them to make the necessary changes to the card.