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There could be a few reasons why your CSS files are not being implemented on Amazon S3 for your AWS website built with Django, including:

  1. Incorrect file path: Ensure that the path to your CSS files in your Django code matches the path on S3 where the CSS files are stored.

  2. Permission issues: Verify that the CSS files in S3 are set to public access or that the appropriate permissions have been set.

  3. Cache invalidation: If you have made changes to your CSS files, your web browser may be caching the old versions of the file. Clear your browser cache and retry visiting your website.

  4. DNS propagation: If you have recently updated your DNS settings, it may take some time for the changes to propagate. Wait for a while and check if the issue still persists.

  5. AWS S3 end-point URL in the Ensure the AWS S3 end-point URL for static assets is mentioned in the file.

  6. Configuration in Django Verify that the AWS S3 configuration is correct in the file, including the access key, secret key, and region.

Double-checking these configurations could help resolve the issue with your Django website not implementing CSS files on Amazon S3.