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One way to use ansible to identify AWS rds instances that have specific tags and exclude them from the result is to use the tag query options for the ec2_vpc_net_facts module.

Here's an example playbook that uses ec2_vpc_net_facts to query for RDS instances that have a specific Environment tag and then uses the selectattr filter to exclude any instances that have a Status tag matching production:

- name: Find non-production RDS instances
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
    region: us-west-2
    environment_tag: Environment:dev
    - name: Get RDS instances with environment tag
        region: "{{ region }}"
          tag: "{{ environment_tag }}"
        refresh_cache: true
      register: results

    - name: Filter out production instances
        rds_nonprod: "{{ results.vpcs[0].rds_instances | selectattr('tags.Status', 'ne', 'production') | list }}"

    - name: Print non-production instances
        var: rds_nonprod

In this example, we are using the ec2_vpc_net_facts module to query for RDS instances in the us-west-2 region that have the Environment:dev tag. We then register the results in the results variable.

Next, we use the set_fact module to create a new rds_nonprod variable. Here we use the selectattr filter to exclude any instances that have a Status tag matching production, and then convert the result to a list.

Finally, we use the debug module to print out the rds_nonprod variable, which will contain a list of all RDS instances with the Environment:dev tag, excluding any instances with a Status tag matching production.