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initial version provides several ways to handle asynchronous code.

1.Using .then() method: You can chain your commands with the .then() method. This method executes the next command once the previous command has completed its execution.


cy.get('.todo-list li') .then(todo => { // Your asynchronous operations // Here you can chain more Cypress commands })

  1. Using async/await function: Cypress also supports async/await functions which allows you to write asynchronous code that looks synchronous. Example: // An asynchronous function that retrieves an element and clicks on it async function clickElement(selector) { await cy.get(selector).click() }

  2. Using Cypress.Promise: Cypress.Promise is similar to JavaScript's native Promise. The difference is that Cypress.Promise returns a Cypress object with additional methods to manage promises.


let promise = new Cypress.Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Your asynchronous code // Once the operation is complete resolve(data) })

promise.then(data => { // Your code to continue after the operation is complete })

Overall, provides different ways to handle asynchronous code depending on your use case. You can choose whichever method works best for your project.