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To maintain a constant linear gradient for the background, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the colors you want to use for your gradient.

  2. Choose the direction you want the gradient to go in. You can choose horizontal or vertical.

  3. Use CSS to apply the gradient to the background of your webpage. Here's an example code:

background: linear-gradient(to right, #000000, #ffffff);

The "to right" part specifies the direction of the gradient. In this example, the gradient goes from left to right. You can change this to "to left", "to top", "to bottom", "to top right", "to top left", "to bottom right", or "to bottom left" depending on your preference.

The "#000000" and "#ffffff" parts specify the colors of the gradient. You can replace these with any colors you want to use.

  1. To make sure the gradient remains constant, add the gradient code to a CSS file or style section of your HTML.

With these steps, you can maintain a constant linear gradient for your webpage background.