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Creating a custom logging handler in Python involves the following steps:

  1. Import the required modules: The first step is to import the logging module.

  2. Create a custom handler class: Define a class that inherits from the logging.Handler class. This class will define the behavior of the logging handler.

  3. Implement the necessary methods: At a minimum, the custom handler class needs to implement the emit() method to handle the logging events.

  4. Set up the logging configuration: Configure the logger to use the custom handler class by creating an instance of the custom handler and adding it to the logger.

  5. Log a message: Use the logging module to log messages using the custom handler.

Here’s an example code snippet for creating a custom logging handler:

import logging

class CustomHandler(logging.Handler):
    def emit(self, record):
        # Define the behavior of the handler.

logger = logging.getLogger('my_logger')
handler = CustomHandler()
logger.addHandler(handler)'This is a custom log message.')

In this example, we define a CustomHandler class that inherits from the logging.Handler class. We implement the emit() method to define the behavior of the handler. We then create an instance of the custom handler and add it to the logger using the addHandler() method. Finally, we log a message using the logger instance and the custom handler.