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initial version
  1. Install yaml-cpp:
  2. Download the latest release of yaml-cpp from the official website.
  3. Extract the downloaded file to a desired location.
  4. Open a command prompt/terminal and navigate to the extracted folder.
  5. Type "cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DYAMLCPPBUILDTESTS=OFF -DYAMLCPPBUILDCONTRIB=OFF" and hit enter.
  6. Type "make" and hit enter to build the library.

  7. Create a C++Builder project.

  8. Open C++Builder and create a new Console Application project.
  9. Right-click on the project and select "Add > New > Unit" to add a new unit to the project.

  10. Add the yaml-cpp library to the project:

  11. In the "Project Manager" window, right-click on the project and select "Add > Existing item".
  12. Navigate to the folder where you extracted the yaml-cpp library and select the "include" folder.
  13. Click "Add" and repeat the process for the "libyaml-cpp.a" file in the "lib" folder.

  14. Include the yaml-cpp library in the code:

  15. In the new unit you created, add #include <yaml-cpp yaml.h=""> at the top of the file to include the yaml-cpp library.
  16. Use the YAML::LoadFile("file.yaml") function to read in a YAML file and store its contents in a YAML::Node object.

  17. Access the YAML data:

  18. Use the "[]" operator to access the data stored in the YAML::Node object.
  19. The data is stored as a map, so you can use the key to access the associated value.

Example code:

include <yaml-cpp yaml.h="">

int main() { // Load the YAML file into a YAML::Node object YAML::Node config = YAML::LoadFile("config.yaml");

// Access a specific value in the YAML file int port = config["Server"]["Port"].as<int>();

// Print the value std::cout << "Server port: " << port << std::endl;

return 0; }