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There could be several reasons for a GitLab Runner pipeline to be continuously in a pending state, including:

  1. Insufficient resources: If the server running the runner doesn't have enough resources (e.g. CPU, memory), the pipeline may be stuck in a pending state as the runner is not able to execute the job.

  2. Network issues: If there are network connectivity issues between the runner and the GitLab server, the pipeline may be stuck in a pending state as the runner is unable to communicate with GitLab.

  3. Blocked Runner: If the runner is blocked by another job or pipeline, it will remain in a pending state until the previous job or pipeline completes.

  4. Missing Dependencies: If the dependencies required to run the job are not available on the runner, the job will remain pending until the dependencies are installed.

  5. Locked Resources: If the resources required to run the job are already locked by another pipeline, the job will remain pending until the resources become available.

To resolve the issue, you can try increasing the resources available to the runner, checking the network connectivity, unlocking resources, installing missing dependencies, or removing any blocks on the runner.