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POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects) are simple Java classes used to store and manipulate data. In a Spring Boot application, you can use Thymeleaf to transport POJOs by following these steps: 1. Create a POJO class with the necessary attributes and methods for data storage and retrieval. 2. Use a Thymeleaf template to render the data in a presentable format that can be transported. 3. Use a controller method to map the template to the POJO and pass the POJO to the template. 4. Bind the POJO data to the template using Thymeleaf expressions.

Here's an example of how to transport a POJO called "Employee" using Thymeleaf in a Spring Boot application:

  1. Create the Employee POJO class
public class Employee {
   private String name;
   private String email;

   // getters and setters for name and email
  1. Create a Thymeleaf template called "employee.html" that can be used to render the employee data in a presentable format. Here's an example of a simple template:
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Employee Details</title>

  <h1>Employee Information</h1>
  <p>Name: [[${}]]</p>
  <p>Email: [[${}]]</p>
  1. Create a controller class with a method that maps the template to the employee data.
public class EmployeeController {

   public String employee(Model model){
      Employee employee = new Employee();
      employee.setName("John Doe");
      model.addAttribute("employee", employee);
      return "employee";
  1. Bind the POJO data to the template using Thymeleaf expressions. When a user navigates to "http://localhost:8080/employee", the employee data will be displayed in the "employee.html" template.

That's it! You can use Thymeleaf to transport POJOs in a Spring Boot application.