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Installing react-router-dom with TypeScript can be challenging due to a few potential issues:

  1. Dependencies: There may be conflicts between the required dependencies of react-router-dom and other installed packages. This can cause issues with packages not being resolved or installed correctly.

  2. Typings: TypeScript requires types for all the dependencies you use in your project. Sometimes, the typings may be incomplete or outdated, which can cause errors during installation and usage.

  3. Configuration: You need to properly configure your TypeScript environment to work with react-router-dom. This includes setting up the correct tsconfig.json file, webpack configuration, and other related settings.

  4. Compatibility: React-router-dom may not be fully compatible with TypeScript versions you are using. This may cause unexpected errors or behavior during the installation and usage of the library.

  5. Learning Curve: Using TypeScript for the first time can be a bit of a learning curve. You may have to familiarize yourself with the TypeScript syntax and concepts before being able to use react-router-dom with TypeScript effectively.