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To implement Nuxt store in a Cypress test, you can use the cy.window() command to access the window object of the page, which contains the store object. Here's an example of how to do this:

describe('My Test', () => {
  beforeEach(() => {

  it('should test the store', () => {
    cy.window().its('__NUXT__').then(nuxt => {
      const store = nuxt.$store // access the store object from the window object

      const state = store.state // access the store's state

      // perform your tests on the store state

In this example, we use the cy.window() command to access the __NUXT__ object, which contains the store object. We can then access the store object and its properties as needed, and perform our tests on them.

Note that the cy.window() command returns a promise, so we need to use .then() to access the window object. Also note that we're assuming that the store has already been initialized and populated with data before the test runs. If this is not the case, you may need to dispatch actions or mutations to initialize the store data before performing your tests.