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The fundamental procedures for utilizing MQTT on an Android device are:

  1. Adding MQTT dependency: Add the MQTT dependency in the build.gradle file of the app module.

  2. Create an MQTT client: Create an MQTT client object using a unique client ID and set the broker URL.

  3. Connect MQTT client: Connect the MQTT client object to the broker using the appropriate options.

  4. Publish a message: Publish a message to the broker by specifying a topic and the message payload.

  5. Subscribe to a topic: Subscribe to a topic by specifying the topic name and the message quality of service (QoS) level.

  6. Handle incoming messages: Implement a callback to handle incoming messages from the broker.

  7. Disconnect MQTT client: After finishing the communication, disconnect the MQTT client from the broker.

These are the basic procedures for using MQTT on an Android device. However, the implementation of these procedures may vary depending on the specific use case and the MQTT library used.