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Yes, it is possible to obtain and save multiple key-value pairs in JSON format using RobotFramework.

To obtain and store multiple key-value pairs in JSON format, you can use the "Create Dictionary" keyword and pass the key-value pairs as arguments. You can then use the "JSON library" to save the dictionary to a JSON file.

Here's an example:

*** Settings ***
Library  Collections
Library  JSONLibrary

*** Test Cases ***
Save Multiple Key Value Pairs to a JSON file
    ${my_dict} =  Create Dictionary  name=John  age=30  city=New York
    Write JSON to File  ${my_dict}  /path/to/file.json

This will create a dictionary with three key-value pairs (name, age, and city), and then store them in a JSON file. You can add more key-value pairs to the dictionary as needed.