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You can include a personalized attribute or metadata to a java file using annotations.

  1. Define your annotation: Create a new Java interface that will serve as your custom annotation. Define the attribute(s) that you want to add to your Java file.


import java.lang.annotation.*;

public @interface MyAnnotation {
  String author() default "John Doe";
  String date();
  1. Use your annotation: Add the annotation to your Java file by including it at the top of the file before the class definition.


@MyAnnotation(date = "2021-10-21")
public class MyClass {
  // Your code here
  1. Access your metadata: You can access your metadata at runtime using Java reflection.


MyAnnotation annotation = MyClass.class.getAnnotation(MyAnnotation.class);
String author =; // "John Doe"
String date =; // "2021-10-21"

By using annotations, you can add customized attributes to your Java files and retrieve them at runtime.