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There could be several reasons why the expected behavior is not being observed while attempting to use openpyxl to read a cell containing a hyperlink, including:

  1. Incorrect code implementation: The code used to read the cell containing the hyperlink may contain errors, resulting in unexpected behavior.

  2. Unsupported hyperlink format: openpyxl may not support the format of the hyperlink in the cell being read, causing unexpected behavior.

  3. Missing dependencies: openpyxl requires certain dependencies to function correctly, and the lack of these dependencies may cause unexpected behavior.

  4. Corrupted workbook: The workbook containing the cell with the hyperlink may be corrupted, resulting in unexpected behavior when attempting to read the hyperlink.

To resolve the issue, try checking the code for errors, ensure that the hyperlink format is supported, install any missing dependencies, and verify that the workbook is not corrupted.