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There could be several reasons why an alert message may appear when including a datatable in a React function component. Without more specific information, it is difficult to provide a specific answer. However, some possible reasons could include:

  1. Syntax errors in the code - Double-check that the code for the datatable is correct and free of syntax errors.

  2. Missing dependencies or libraries - Some dependencies or libraries may be required to use datatables in React. Ensure that all required dependencies or libraries are installed and properly imported.

  3. Conflicts with other components or libraries - It is possible that there may be conflicts between the datatable and other components or libraries being used on the page. Check for any such conflicts, resolve them, and ensure that the code is structured properly.

  4. Improper use of props - If the datatable is being used as a child component within a larger component, there may be improper use of props being passed down to the datatable. Ensure that all props are properly and consistently passed down to the datatable.