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To design entity fields in a database that are both trackable and dynamic, following steps can be taken:

  1. Include audit fields: It is important to include audit fields such as created date, modified date, and modified by fields to track all changes made to the entity fields.

  2. Use lookup tables: Use lookup tables to store all possible values for any field that can have a limited set of values. This makes it easier to modify values in the future without modifying the database schema.

  3. Avoid hard-coding values: Avoid hard-coding values in the entity fields wherever possible. Instead, use lookup tables to store values and update them dynamically.

  4. Use constraints and triggers: Use constraints and triggers to ensure that data changes in the entity fields are validated and standardized.

  5. Create views: Create views of the entity fields to present data in a specific way without altering the underlying database schema.

In summary, designing entity fields that are both trackable and dynamic requires careful planning and implementation of database schema design and data management practices.