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  1. Set up a Keycloak server and create a new realm for your app.
  2. Create a new client for your Flutter project in the Keycloak realm and set the Valid Redirect URIs to your app's URL.
  3. Implement the OAuth2 protocol in your Flutter project using the authorization code flow. This includes building the login and logout functionality and storing the access token for future requests.
  4. Use the Keycloak Flutter SDK to handle the authentication flow with Keycloak. This involves creating a Flutter widget that displays the login screen and redirects the user to Keycloak's login page when the user clicks the login button.
  5. Configure the network calls in your Flutter project to include the access token in the Authorization header.
  6. Test the authentication flow by logging in and logging out of your Flutter app using Keycloak.
  7. Secure any backend APIs that your Flutter app interacts with by requiring an access token from Keycloak in the Authorization header.