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SAS assistance can be obtained in constructing a dataset that details the previous work background of every employee through the following steps:

  1. Define the variables: Determine the variables that will be included in the dataset, such as employee ID, previous employer, job title, employment start and end dates, and reason for leaving.

  2. Data collection: Gather the necessary data from various sources, such as HR records, employee resumes, and reference checks.

  3. Data cleaning: Clean the data to ensure consistency and accuracy in formatting, spelling, and coding.

  4. Data input: Use SAS software to input the cleaned data into the dataset.

  5. Data analysis: Analyze the dataset to identify patterns and trends in employee work history, such as common job titles or industries, length of employment, and turnover rates.

  6. Report generation: Create reports and visualizations of the data analysis to share insights with stakeholders, such as HR managers or executive leadership.

  7. Updating the dataset: Regularly update the dataset as new employees are hired or existing employees change jobs or leave the organization.

SAS offers various resources, such as training courses, support communities, and consulting services, to assist with dataset construction and analysis.