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There could be several reasons for this issue:

  1. Size of the List: If the List of objects is too large, it can cause an out of memory issue. This is because the GenericJackson2Json radix serializer needs to serialize each object in the list, which can consume a lot of memory.

  2. Memory allocation: The JVM heap size may not be sufficient to accommodate the large data set. You may need to increase the heap size or optimize the code to reduce memory consumption.

  3. Redis cache configuration: The Redis cache may not be configured to handle large data sets. You can try increasing the Redis cache memory limit or sharding the data set across multiple Redis instances.

  4. Serialization performance: The serialization performance of the GenericJackson2Json radix serializer may not be optimal for large data sets. You can try using a different serializer or optimizing the serialization process to reduce memory consumption.