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For TypeScript Interfaces, you can use the following syntax:

interface MyInterface {
  // Define properties and their types
  property1: string;
  property2: number;
  // Define methods and their arguments and return types
  method1(arg1: string): void;
  method2(arg1: number, arg2: boolean): string;

For TypeScript Classes, you can use the following syntax:

class MyClass {
  // Define properties and their types
  property1: string;
  property2: number;

  // Define constructor with arguments that initialize properties
  constructor(property1: string, property2: number) {
    this.property1 = property1;
    this.property2 = property2;

  // Define methods and their arguments and return types
  method1(arg1: string): void {
    console.log(`Argument 1 is ${arg1}`);

  method2(arg1: number, arg2: boolean): string {
    return `Arguments are ${arg1} and ${arg2}`;

It is common to use Interfaces to define the shape of an object and Classes to create instances of those objects with defined behavior.