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Spring Boot and MySQL can be used together to perform CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) operations on data. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Set up a Spring Boot project with the Spring Data JPA and MySQL dependencies.

  2. In the file, configure the MySQL database connection details, such as the database URL, username, and password.

  3. Create an Entity class that maps to a database table. Use JPA annotations to specify the table and column names, primary key, and relationships.

  4. Create a repository interface that extends JpaRepository. This interface provides methods for CRUD operations and is automatically implemented by Spring so that you don't have to write any SQL code yourself.

  5. In the controller class, use the repository to perform CRUD operations on the database. For example, to retrieve all objects from the database, you can call findAll() on the repository.

  6. Use HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to create, retrieve, update, or delete objects.

  7. Test the application to ensure that it performs CRUD operations correctly.

With Spring Boot and MySQL, you can easily build a web application that supports CRUD operations on data stored in a relational database. The JPA and Spring Data JPA features of Spring Boot make it easy to work with databases in Java, while the powerful features of MySQL make it a great choice for storing and retrieving data.