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To mount multiple folders into a single Persistent Volume in Kubernetes container, you should follow the below steps:

  1. Create a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) for each folder that needs to be mounted.

  2. Define a multi-path volume using the subPath property in the Pod configuration. For example,

  - name: <container-name>
    - name: <volume-name>
      mountPath: /path/to/mount/point
      subPath: <subpath-1>
    - name: <volume-name>
      mountPath: /path/to/mount/point2
      subPath: <subpath-2>
  - name: <volume-name>
      claimName: <pvc-name>

In this example, you can see how multiple folders are mounted into a single volume by using the subPath property. The subPath specifies the subdirectory in each PVC that should be mounted into the container, and mountPath specifies the location where the subdirectories should be mounted.

  1. Apply the Pod configuration using the kubectl apply command.

With the above steps followed, your multiple folders will be mounted into a single Persistent Volume in Kubernetes container.