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The process for creating deployable themes within a Django application involves the following steps:

  1. Create a new app/module in your Django project that will contain the theme files (e.g. css, js, images, etc.).
  2. Create a templates directory inside the new app/module, then create a new directory with your chosen theme name (e.g. "my_theme").
  3. Add your theme files to the new directory, including a base.html file that will serve as the default template.
  4. In your project's file, add the new app/module to the INSTALLED_APPS list.
  5. In the TEMPLATE section of the file, set the DIRS option to include the path to your new app/module's templates directory.
  6. In the file of your app/module, define a view that will render the base.html template and any additional templates.
  7. In your project's file, create a URL pattern that will route requests to your app/module's view.
  8. Add your Django application to your deployment server.

With these steps, your Django application should now be able to render the theme's templates and assets to users.