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There are several reasons why this can happen:

  1. The RewriteEngine command is not enabled in the correct configuration file. Make sure the RewriteEngine command is enabled in the correct configuration file (usually .htaccess or httpd.conf).

  2. The modrewrite module is not enabled in the server. Even though modrewrite may be installed on the server, it may not be enabled. Check the Apache configuration files to ensure that the mod_rewrite module is enabled.

  3. AllowOverride is set to None. The server's configuration may not allow .htaccess files to override the server's settings. Check the server's configuration to ensure that AllowOverride is set to All or at least FileInfo.

  4. The syntax of the RewriteEngine command is incorrect. Double-check the syntax of the RewriteEngine command to ensure that it is correct.

  5. There is a conflict with other modules. Sometimes, other modules in Apache can conflict with mod_rewrite. Try disabling other modules to see if that resolves the issue.

  6. The server may not support modrewrite. While modrewrite is a standard module in Apache, some hosting providers may not support it. Verify with your hosting provider that mod_rewrite is supported.