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Bazel supports various compiler flags specific to the language being compiled. The following are some of the commonly used flags specific to compilers used by Bazel:

  1. C++ compiler flags: Bazel supports a variety of C++ compiler flags, including optimization and debug flags, language standards flags, warning flags, link flags, and more.

  2. Java compiler flags: Bazel supports a variety of Java compiler flags, including optimization and debug flags, classpath flags, annotation flags, and more.

  3. Python compiler flags: Bazel supports a variety of Python compiler flags, including optimization and debug flags, Python version flags, and others.

  4. Objective-C compiler flags: Bazel supports a variety of Objective-C compiler flags, including optimization and debug flags, framework flags, and others.

  5. Swift compiler flags: Bazel supports a variety of Swift compiler flags, including optimization and debug flags, language version flags, module flags, and more.

  6. Rust compiler flags: Bazel supports a variety of Rust compiler flags, including optimization and debug flags, target flags, and more.

These flags can be specified in the build files using the appropriate syntax for the language being compiled.