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Without seeing your code and the specific error message you're receiving, it's difficult to determine the exact cause of the error. However, some common reasons for errors when attempting to get the maximum sum in JavaScript include:

  1. Syntax errors: Syntax errors occur when you have errors in the structure of your code, such as missing or incorrect punctuation, misspelled function names, or missing parentheses.

  2. Variable scoping issues: If you're trying to access a variable that isn't defined within the scope of your function, you may get an error.

  3. Type errors: Type errors occur when you try to perform operations on incompatible variable types, such as adding a string and a number.

  4. Logic errors: Logic errors occur when the code you've written doesn't produce the intended outcome, such as returning the wrong value or executing code in the wrong order.

To troubleshoot your error, try reviewing your code line by line and checking for any of these common issues. Additionally, try running your code in a JavaScript console or debugger to help identify where the error is occurring.