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Unfortunately, it is not possible to remove the smiley and settings icons from the on-screen keyboard on Windows 11 as it is a part of the default design. However, you can customize the keyboard settings by following these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app by clicking on the Start Menu and selecting “Settings” or by pressing the Windows key + I.

  2. Click on “Personalization” and then select “Haptic keyboard.”

  3. Under “Keyboard settings,” you can make adjustments such as turning on or off suggestions, autocorrect, and text prediction.

  4. You can also customize the keyboard layout by choosing a different language or keyboard style.

  5. If you want to use a different keyboard altogether, you can install a third-party keyboard from the Microsoft Store or another software provider.

Note: Removing the smiley and settings icons from the on-screen keyboard may not be possible, even with the use of third-party software.