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To prevent XSS attacks, the options received from an AJAX response can be first sanitized and then replaced with new options. Some ways to sanitize the options could be:

  1. Use a DOMParser to parse the response and sanitize any HTML and script tags.
  2. Strip any dangerous characters or escape them properly using functions like htmlspecialchars() or htmlentities().
  3. Use a library like DOMPurify that helps in sanitizing and preventing malicious code injection.

Once the options are sanitized, they can be replaced using jQuery or vanilla JavaScript. For example, jQuery's $.each() function can be used to loop through the sanitized options and replace them securely by appending new options to a select element. Alternatively, the innerHTML property of a select element can be updated with the sanitized options. It is important to ensure that the new options are secure and do not contain any malicious code that could inject harmful scripts.