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To retrieve the object node from a CallExpression using the TypeScript compiler API, you can use the CallExpression.expression property. This property gives you access to the expression that is being called, which in turn gives you access to the object node.

For example:

import * as ts from "typescript";

function getObjectNodeFromCallExpression(node: ts.CallExpression): ts.Expression {
  if (ts.isPropertyAccessExpression(node.expression)) {
    return node.expression.expression;
  } else if (ts.isElementAccessExpression(node.expression)) {
    return node.expression.expression;
  } else {
    return node.expression;

This code takes a CallExpression node and first checks if the expression being called is a PropertyAccessExpression or an ElementAccessExpression. If it is, then it returns the expression property of the relevant access expression to get the object node that the function is being called on. If it is not, then it simply returns the expression property of the CallExpression node itself.