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The following is one of the possible methods to eliminate hashtags that have a particular word linked to them in Flutter's TextFields:

  1. When the user enters text into the TextField, we can listen to the text changes using the onChanged callback of the TextField widget.

  2. In the onChanged callback, we can check if the text entered by the user contains a hashtag (#) symbol followed by the particular word that we want to filter out. If yes, we can remove that text from the TextField.

  3. To remove the text from the TextField, we can use the TextEditingController class. We can set up an instance of this class before the TextField widget and pass it as a parameter to the TextField widget's controller property.

  4. Once we have access to the TextEditingController, we can use its text property to get the current text entered by the user. If we need to remove some text from the TextField, we can modify the TextEditingController's text property by replacing the filtered out text with an empty string.

  5. Finally, we can set the modified text back to the TextField by calling the TextEditingController's setText method.

This method is just an example, and there can be other ways to achieve the same result. The specific implementation may depend on the exact requirements of the application.