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AnimatedContent in Jetpack Compose is used to create animations by smoothly transitioning between two or more states of a component. It allows you to specify two composable functions, one for the initial state and another for the final state, and smoothly transition between those states.

To use AnimatedContent, you need to first define your initial and final states in separate composable functions that return the same type of component, such as a Text or Image. Then, you can wrap those two components with the AnimatedContent function, passing in the current state and a transition type.

The transition type determines how the component will animate between the two states, such as fading in or out, sliding in from the left or right, or scaling up or down. Some examples of transition types include fadeIn, fadeOut, slideInHorizontally, and sizeTransform.

AnimatedContent can also be used with other animation functions and modifiers, such as Animatable and Tween. With these additional tools, you can create more complex and customized animations in your Jetpack Compose app.