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To incorporate arrays in the WHEN condition of decision tables in Drools Business Central, follow these steps:

  1. Open the decision table in Drools Business Central.
  2. Click on the "Data" tab.
  3. Find the column where the array will be used in the WHEN condition.
  4. Click on the drop-down menu and select "Advanced".
  5. In the "Constraint Value" field, enter the array as a comma-separated list enclosed in square brackets, for example: [1,2,3].
  6. Click "Save" to apply the changes.

Now the array can be used in the WHEN condition of the decision table by referencing the column name in the When part of the rule. For example, if the array was entered in column A, the rule may look like this:

when MyObject( $x : value in A ) then // do something with $x