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Both Javascript and PHP can be used to manage form submissions in the following ways:

  1. Javascript can be used to validate the form data entered by the user before it is submitted to the server. For example, you can use Javascript to ensure that certain form fields are filled out properly, such as email addresses or phone numbers.

  2. PHP can be used to process the form data that is submitted by the user after it is received by the server. This can include tasks such as storing the data in a database, sending an email notification, or displaying a confirmation message to the user.

  3. You can combine Javascript and PHP to create more advanced form submissions. For example, you could use Javascript to create a dynamic form that updates based on user input, and PHP to process the form data and display results to the user.

  4. You could also use both Javascript and PHP to add additional security measures to the form submission process, such as using SSL encryption for sensitive information and adding server-side validation to ensure that data submitted by the user is secure and not vulnerable to attacks.