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To obtain Flask variable URL input using Javascript, you can use the location object of the browser's window object. The location object contains information about the current URL in the browser's address bar.

You can access the URL's parameters by parsing the query string using the attribute. Here's an example code snippet to obtain a Flask variable URL input using Javascript:

// Get the query string from the URL
var queryString =;

// Remove the "?" character from the beginning of the string
queryString = queryString.slice(1);

// Split the query string into an array of key-value pairs
var params = {};
queryString.split("&").forEach(function(part) {
    var item = part.split("=");
    params[item[0]] = decodeURIComponent(item[1]);

// Access the Flask variable URL input using the key in the parameters object
var myVariable = params["my_variable"];

In the above code snippet, we first get the query string from the URL using the attribute. We remove the "?" character from the beginning of the string and split it into an array of key-value pairs. We then create a new object params to store these key-value pairs. Finally, we can access the Flask variable URL input using the key in the params object.