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Here are the steps to connect your cloud editor to cloud Dataproc for Hadoop:

  1. Open the Google Cloud Console and select your project.

  2. From the console menu, select "Dataproc" and then click "Create a Cluster".

  3. Enter a name for your cluster and select the region where you want to create the cluster. You can also choose the type of machine and other configurations for your cluster. Click "Create" to create your cluster.

  4. Once your cluster is successfully created, go to the "VM Instances" page in the console menu and select your cluster.

  5. On the VM Instances page, click on the SSH button next to your cluster. This will open an SSH terminal window for your cluster.

  6. Now, you need to create a connection between your cloud editor and your Dataproc cluster. You can do this by creating an SSH tunnel. In the SSH terminal window, run the following command:

gcloud compute ssh --zone=<ZONE> --ssh-flag="-D" --ssh-flag="10000" --ssh-flag="-N" --ssh-flag="-n" <CLUSTER-NAME>-m

Note: Replace <zone> with the zone where your cluster is running, <cluster-name> with the name of your cluster.

  1. Leave the SSH terminal window open and open a new terminal window.

  2. In the new terminal window, run the following command to start the local SOCKS proxy:

ssh -ND 10000 googleuser@localhost

Note: Replace "googleuser" with your username.

  1. Now, open your cloud editor and go to its network settings.

  2. Configure the network settings to use the SOCKS proxy you just created. Set the SOCKS proxy IP to "localhost" and the port to "10000".

  3. Save the settings and connect to your Dataproc cluster.

That's it! You have now connected your cloud editor to cloud Dataproc for Hadoop. You can now start analyzing your data on the cluster.