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Here's one way to randomly place a number of varying length into a PHP string:

  1. Define an array of possible numbers and their lengths:
$numbers = array(
    1 => 1, // 1-digit number
    42 => 2, // 2-digit number
    100 => 3, // 3-digit number
    // ...
  1. Decide how many numbers you want to insert and generate a random array of their values:
$num_inserts = rand(1, 5); // insert 1-5 numbers
$insert_values = array_rand($numbers, $num_inserts);
  1. Loop through the insert values and insert them at random positions in the string:
$string = "This is a string with some random positions for numbers.";

foreach ($insert_values as $value) {
    $length = $numbers[$value];
    $position = rand(0, strlen($string)-$length);
    $string = substr($string, 0, $position) . $value . substr($string, $position+$length);

This code selects a random position in the string for each insertion, ensuring that they don't overlap. You can adjust the $num_inserts and $numbers arrays to suit your needs.