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There are several ways to emphasize a node in a draw_networkx visualization without altering its color:

  1. Increase the node size: You can increase the size of the node using the node_size parameter in the draw_networkx() function. This will make the node stand out more.

  2. Use a different shape: You can use a different shape for the emphasized node using the node_shape parameter in the draw_networkx() function. This will make the node visually distinct from other nodes in the graph.

  3. Add a label or annotation: You can add a label or annotation to the node using the draw_networkx_labels() function. This will draw attention to the node and provide additional information about it.

  4. Adjust the layout: You can adjust the layout of the graph using the various layout algorithms available in NetworkX. For example, you can use the spring_layout() function to create a spring force directed layout. This will position the emphasized node centrally in the graph, making it stand out more.