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There could be several reasons for the inability to establish a subscription on a reconnected OPCUA Milo client, including: 1. Network connectivity issues: If the OPCUA client is not able to establish a connection with the server, it may not be able to create a subscription. This could be due to network issues such as a firewall blocking the traffic or the server being offline.

  1. Server configuration issues: The OPCUA server may not be configured properly to allow for subscriptions, or the subscription settings may be incorrect.

  2. Client configuration issues: The OPCUA client may not be configured properly to create subscriptions or the subscription settings may be incorrect.

  3. Authentication issues: If the server requires authentication, the OPCUA client may not have the necessary credentials to create a subscription.

To troubleshoot the issue, it is important to check the network settings, server and client configurations, and authentication settings to ensure that they are configured correctly. It may also be helpful to check the server logs for any errors or issues that may be preventing the subscription from being established.