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The general steps to handle the user registration form, accessing a URL in a webview, and redirecting to the mobile dashboard upon submission, all while handling the user session in Flutter are:

  1. Create a user registration form using Flutter widgets like TextFields, dropdowns, and buttons. Use Form and TextFormField widgets to validate user input and display error messages.

  2. When the user submits the form, call a function that sends the form data to the backend API for validation and user creation. Use an HTTP library like Dart's http package to make the API requests.

  3. Upon receiving a successful response from the API, save the user session data to local storage using a package like Shared Preferences or Flutter Secure Storage. This allows the user to remain logged in across app sessions.

  4. Load the subsequent URL in a WebView widget with Flutter's webview_flutter package. You can set the initial URL of the WebView to be the login page of your backend service.

  5. Listen for changes in the URL that indicate a successful login, such as a redirect to the dashboard page. You can use the NavigationDelegate class to intercept these requests and perform custom actions based on their URL.

  6. Once the user is redirected to the mobile dashboard, display the appropriate widgets to show the user's data and allow them to interact with the app. You can retrieve the user session data from local storage to make API requests on behalf of the user.

Overall, the key concepts involved in this process are client-side form validation, API requests and responses, webview navigation, and local storage management. With careful implementation of these steps, you can create a seamless user registration and login experience in your Flutter app.