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To develop a custom control in WPF, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new WPF project in Visual Studio.
  2. Add a new class to the project that will serve as the code-behind for the custom control.
  3. Inherit from the Control class, and add any necessary properties and methods to your custom control class.
  4. Add a default style to your custom control by adding a ResourceDictionary to your project and defining a Style object with a TargetType of your custom control class.
  5. Add any XAML markup necessary to define the visual appearance of your custom control. This should be added to a Themes\Generic.xaml file in your project.
  6. Build and test your custom control.

Once your custom control is developed, you can use it in other projects by adding a reference to the project that contains the custom control and adding an XML namespace definition to the XAML markup for any controls that use the custom control.