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In the Golang template, we can manipulate the range of a string slice using the slice notation. The slice notation has three components: the starting index, the ending index, and the step size. We can manipulate the range of a string slice by specifying the starting and ending indices inside the slice notation.

For example, assume we have a string slice names := []string{"John", "Jane", "Emily", "Chris", "Mark"}. To manipulate the range of the string slice, we can use the following syntax in the template:

{{range $index, $name := names[startingIndex:endingIndex]}}{{$name}} {{end}}

Here, $index is the index of the current element in the range, $name is the value of the current element, startingIndex is the index of the first element we want to include in the range, and endingIndex is the index of the first element we want to exclude from the range.

For example, if we want to print only the 2nd and 3rd names from the slice, we can use the following template:

{{range $index, $name := names[1:3]}}

This will output:
