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To utilize cPacketQueue in your .cc file through a .msg file in Omnet++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Define the input and output gates of the module in your .msg file. For example:
module MyModule {
        input in;
        output out;
  1. In your .cc file, include the cPacketQueue header file:
#include <queue/cPacketQueue.h>
  1. Declare an instance of cPacketQueue in your module header file:
class MyModule : public cSimpleModule {
    cPacketQueue queue;
  1. Initialize the queue in your module's initialize() function:
void MyModule::initialize() {
  1. Whenever you receive a packet on the input gate, push it into the queue:
void MyModule::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
    if (msg->getArrivalGate() == in) {
        queue.insert(check_and_cast<cPacket *>(msg));
  1. Whenever you want to send a packet from the queue, you can pop it from the front of the queue:
void MyModule::sendPacket() {
    if (!queue.isEmpty()) {
        cPacket *pck = check_and_cast<cPacket *>(queue.pop());
        // send the packet on the output gate
        send(pck, out);

Note that you might want to add some additional checks or modifications to customize the behavior of the cPacketQueue for your specific use case.