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There are a few potential options for resolving time discrepancies between the Prometheus container and the host machine in cases where NTP synchronization is not possible:

  1. Manually synchronize the time: If NTP synchronization is not possible due to network restrictions or other issues, it may be possible to manually synchronize the time between the Prometheus container and the host machine. This could involve periodically updating the time on one or both systems to ensure they remain consistent.

  2. Use a different time synchronization protocol: While NTP is the most common time synchronization protocol, there are other options available such as Precision Time Protocol (PTP) or Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP). If NTP is not an option, it may be worth exploring alternative synchronization protocols to see if they are viable for your use case.

  3. Adjust Prometheus container time settings: It may be possible to adjust the time settings within the Prometheus container to compensate for the time difference between the container and the host machine. For example, if the container is consistently running X number of seconds ahead of the host machine, the container time settings could be adjusted to "slow down" the container by X seconds, effectively synchronizing it with the host machine.

  4. Use a different container technology: Depending on the specific use case, it may be worth exploring different container technologies that have built-in time synchronization capabilities. For example, Docker Swarm supports NTP synchronization by default, so switching to Docker Swarm may be an option if NTP synchronization is critical.