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To check a database connection using CodeIgniter, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the database configuration file, which is located in application/config/database.php.

  2. Check that the database connection settings are correct, including the database hostname, username, password, and database name.

  3. Open a CodeIgniter controller or model that interacts with the database.

  4. Create a database connection by calling the database method of the CodeIgniter load class, like this:

  1. Try running a simple database query, such as selecting all the rows from a table using the CodeIgniter db class:
$query = $this->db->get('my_table');
  1. Check that the query returns the expected results by printing them out, like this:
foreach ($query->result() as $row)
    echo $row->column_name;
  1. If the query does not return the expected results or throws an error, troubleshoot any database connection issues by checking the database logs and server configuration.