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There are a few things you can try to resolve this issue:

  1. Make sure that the file you are trying to open is actually saved on your device. If it is not, transfer the file to your device via Bluetooth or email.

  2. Check that the file extension is correct. Excel files usually end with ".xls" or ".xlsx". If the file has a different extension, rename it with the correct extension.

  3. Try using a different app to open the excel file. There are many apps available on the Google Play Store that can read excel files such as Microsoft Excel, WPS Office, or Google Sheets.

  4. If the app you're using to open the excel file is outdated, try updating it to the latest version.

  5. Check if any updates are available for your Android device. Sometimes, updating the device's operating system can resolve compatibility issues with apps.

  6. If none of the above methods work, try restarting your device or clearing the cache of the app you are using to open the excel file.