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There could be a few reasons why this is happening:

  1. Check the order of your media queries: Make sure your media queries are ordered from largest to smallest (desktop to mobile), otherwise the smaller queries might override the larger ones.

  2. Check your viewport meta tag: Make sure the viewport meta tag is correctly added to your HTML document. The viewport meta tag helps the device determine the screen size and adapt to the media queries accordingly.

  3. Check the specificity of your CSS selectors: Make sure your CSS selectors are correctly written with the appropriate specificity. In some cases, a more specific selector might be overriding the styles defined in a media query.

  4. Check for typos and errors in your code: Make sure there are no typos, syntax errors or missing semicolons in your code that might be preventing the media queries from working.

  5. Test on different devices and browsers: Test your website on different devices and browsers to ensure that the media queries are working as expected. Some older browsers or devices might not support certain media queries.