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Here are the steps to develop a web application that can send distinct emails upon clicking the SUBMIT button:

  1. Choose a programming language and a web framework: There are several programming languages and web frameworks available to develop web applications. Some popular languages are Java, Python, Ruby, and PHP. You can choose any web framework such as Django, Flask, Rails, or Laravel to build the web application.

  2. Design the user interface: You need to create the frontend of the web application using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Decide on the layout, color scheme, and other design aspects.

  3. Build the backend: This includes creating the database schema, designing the models, and writing the server-side code. You will need to use a database management system such as MySQL, PostgreSQL or MongoDB to store user information.

  4. Implement the email functionality: You need to integrate an email service into your web application, such as Gmail or Amazon SES. Use the SMTP protocol to connect to the email server from the backend and trigger the email sending process.

  5. Write the email templates: Create HTML email templates that can be filled with customized content based on the user’s inputs.

  6. Configure the email settings: Define the sender and recipient email addresses, the subject of the email, and any other settings required to send the email properly. You can also configure security options such as TLS/SSL encryption.

  7. Test and deploy the web application: Before releasing the web application to the users, you need to test the application thoroughly to ensure that it works as expected. Once everything is verified, deploy the application to a server or a cloud platform.

In conclusion, building a web application that sends unique emails upon submission requires a thorough understanding of web development and email sending protocols. Following the steps outlined above will give you a good starting point for building your application.